Our St. Louis Service platoons have two Operations that support schools and community organizations in the St. Louis Promise Zone. We believe a child’s zip code should not determine their destiny. The St. Louis Promise Zone encompasses portions of the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County, including portions of St. Louis City, Riverview Gardens, Jennings, Ferguson/Florissant (Ferg/Flor), Normandy, and Hazelwood School Districts.
Our volunteers have been invited to serve alongside our community partners and build capacity in classrooms, on playgrounds, and in community spaces used by youth and families outside of the school day. We invite you to join us on our mission and take part in a project with Operation Promise Schools or Operation Promise Neighborhoods.
Contact Jai Johnson, Platoon Leader - jjohnson@missioncontinues.org
Contact AJ Thompson, Platoon Leader - athompson@missioncontinues.org
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