September 11, 2020 marks 19 years since the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11/01. In 2020, communities are once again being challenged to heal; from COVID-19, racial injustices, and social inequities. The events of this year have further exposed and exacerbated the underlying fragility of our social support systems. A glaring social inequity highlighted by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is food insecurity. Americans are going hungry, and our institutions are struggling to meet the needs of its community members. And the needs are staggering:
- Since March, rates of household food insecurity have doubled and the rates of childhood food insecurity have quadrupled.
- In a May 2020 survey, roughly 27% of Black and Hispanic adults’ households and 13% of white adults’ households identified as food insecure.
- More than 1.5 million veterans live in a household that completely relies on SNAP to supplement their food intake and has seen an impact on their mental health.
Yet, at a time when so much feels out of our control, what we can control is how we react. In response, we’ve launched Operation Nourish, a nation wide initiative mobilizing veterans and community members to combat food insecurity. The work is making a difference for their communities and for each other. In the wake of 9/11, a generation of veterans answered the call to serve. In 2020, we are being called to serve our communities once again. Our mission is clear, and we need you to join us, united in service, this September.
Report for Duty with Us this September
Everyone can make an impact. We’ve created in-person and at-home service opportunities that can be completed individually or as a group.
First Step: Choose a service opportunity, either in-person or at home. The at-home opportunities are below under the map.
In-Person Service Opportunities
September 1 – September 29, 2020
Looking to connect with other veterans and community members? Join us by registering for a project in your community.
In response to COVID-19, The Mission Continues has taken steps to ensure the safety of all volunteers is prioritized. Review our commitment to safety protocols.
Don’t see an event near you? Don’t let that stop you! Volunteer with a local food bank, another organization or on your own! Choose from one of the suggested service opportunities below:
- Help prepare meals
- Help build a garden at home or your community
- Plant seedlings or grow fruit/vegetables
- Help or start a canned food drive
- Help build a community pantry
Second Step: Service Roll Call! Don’t leave us with FOMO – we want to know the details. Use this form to tell us what you did, the people you connected with and why it mattered to you.
Your story matters and can make a difference in the lives of others. Your submitted story could be featured on our national channels and/or print materials, and will help us tailor future service opportunities to your interests and skills. We’re excited to showcase how you’re making a difference in your local community.